Automatic Meter Readers discount Terms & Conditions

The following Terms & Conditions apply:

  • The 10% discount referred to in the promotion (detailed above) “the Discount”, is only available to existing Wave customers.
  • The Discount will be applied automatically to the pre-tax purchase price of a new Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) device(s) purchased directly by customers from Wave between 1 Jan 2024 and 31 March 2024 (“the Offer Period”).
  • The Discount is for the purchase of AMR device(s) defined as Cello 6s and Cello 4s data loggers which are to be purchased through Wave. The Discount is not transferrable to any other product or service and cannot be applied retrospectively to devices priced or purchased outside of the Offer Period.
  • The Discount does not apply to AMR device(s) procured on a lease basis or any third-party charges required to facilitate the installation of the device(s), including third party logging charges levied by Wholesalers.
  • Wave retains the right to withdraw the offer at any time and without prior notice at its discretion without providing any reason. Customers cannot use the Discount in conjunction with any other offer or discount. The Discount is to be applied at Wave’s discretion and Wave may reject a customer from using the Discount at its discretion.
  • Further Terms and Conditions apply and will be supplied as part of any requested proposal for AMR device(s) and/or services.
  • These AMR Discount terms and conditions maybe changed, updated or amended at any time by Wave and if so, they will be retrospectively applicable to the Discount even if the customer has taken benefit of the Discount.