Breaking Waves

We're pleased to bring you the latest edition of our newsletter.

We’ve secured a major public sector contract

We’re committed to supporting the Public Sector and we’re delighted that we’ve recently won a new framework agreement with YPO, a publicly owned central purchasing body.

The framework, which went live on the 1st of September, means we’ll continue to be YPO members’ direct supplier for water, wastewater and ancillary services.

This contract win recognises the work we’ve done with our social and sustainability commitments as we’re passionate about building long term, engaging and sustainable partnerships, supporting our customers in becoming more water-efficient, encouraging organisations to take better control over their water usage and in turn minimising water related costs.

Mike Murray, Procurement Consultant at YPO, said: “Our framework for water supply and management supports public sector organisations with reducing water consumption and implementing efficiency measures, while providing great value and excellent customer services. Wave have been successful for a second iteration of the framework and have demonstrated the benefit they bring to the public sector.”

Tony March, Director of Public Sector & Industrial Customers at Wave, said: "We’re delighted by the success of this framework. Being selected to continue to be YPO members' direct supplier for water and wastewater services is confirmation of the excellent service we strive to provide. As preferred suppliers across the public sector we understand the importance placed not only on service but providing social value in local communities, which is evidenced through our Social and Sustainability Promise. We also possess an unrelenting commitment to driving water and cost savings, by working with organisations to find inefficiencies.

“This win is a key milestone for Wave as it consolidates our position with the customers currently on the YPO Framework and provides a significant opportunity for future growth.”

Tony March, Director of Public Sector and I&C Customers

Wave launch dedicated resources page for schools

At Wave, we want to support schools and students and help them to see water as a precious resource. We’ve created a dedicated online page specifically for schools to give teachers, pupils and families careers advice, eco challenges and interview tips.

The resources vary from videos for careers lessons showing a range of roles within Wave and the skills that are used in these roles, to water-saving worksheets designed to encourage children to think about how they can save water. We’ve also worked face-to-face within schools providing careers sessions that cover CV writing, interview advice and how to search for jobs.

Visit our schools resources page

Jane Austin, Director of HR

Wave and NEPO collaborate on tree planting event

On Thursday 16th November, Wave and public sector procurement specialist, North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO), jointly planted 300 trees in Stamfordham, Northumberland.

The day was led by the Great Northumberland Forest, a tree planting scheme hosted by Northumberland County Council, which focusses on planting the right tree in the right place, for the right reason, with the right management, balancing the needs of nature and the rural economy with the interests of people, communities, landowners, and land managers.

The team was made up of 25 employees from Wave, NEPO, Northumberland County Council and North Tyneside Council who worked together to create a shelter belt of native species trees and large shrubs, as a wildlife corridor and to support biodiversity and amenity.

Despite the wet conditions, spirits remained high and it was rewarding to see how many trees could be planted in just one day. With Great Northumberland Forest’s guidance, the team learned the best places to position the trees, which areas to avoid and how to dig and plant correctly so that they had the best chance of survival.

Joanne from NEPO, said the event was: “really well organised and a great introduction to what Wave’s social focus is” and Margaret from Northumberland County Council, said: “very well organised, a really lovely crowd of people which made the day. Weather was fine, which helped and a fantastic programme to support.”

For information on our upcoming events, please speak to your account manager.

Volunteers from Wave, NEPO, Northumberland County Council & North Tyneside Council

Prepare your water for winter

Your business uses water whether it’s for drinking or it’s part of your operations. A leak, burst pipe or an interruption could mean having to close, so it’s worth preparing your premises ready for the colder weather.

Here’s some of our top tips so you can have peace of mind over the winter months:

  • Check for leaks – you can do this yourself with a simple leak and flow test.
  • Keep emergency contacts to hand – it’s good to know your wholesaler’s contact details, as well as a trusted plumber.
  • Read your meter – reading your meter regularly means it’s easier to spot when something isn’t quite right, like an unexpected increase in your usage.
  • Lag your pipes – this will prevent heat loss and stop them from freezing.
  • Turn off your water – if you’re closing for a while over the festive period, it’s worth considering turning off your stopcock and draining your water system so that there’s no water running through the meter.

Have you got a plan in place?

Although wholesalers work hard to keep water flowing as the temperature drops, if a disruption happens, it’s usually your responsibility to find an alternative water supply.

A contingency plan takes away unnecessary stress and will make sure you can keep your business running.

New features added to My Account

We want to make managing your water as easy as possible, so we’ve made some changes to our online portal, My Account.

When you log in, you’ll be able to see your accounts which now have a coloured indicator ribbon representing the financial health of the account. There’s also a quick action tab underneath each account so you can easily use some of the most common features like submit a meter read or make a payment.

To save you time and effort, we’ve upgraded our search function too, giving you the option to search by account name, customer reference number, meter serial number, address or Supply Point Identifier (SPID).

For step-by-step video guides on how to use some of the features on My Account, visit our YouTube channel.

Smarter Regulation: Strengthening the economic regulation of the energy, water and telecoms sectors

At Wave we constantly monitor developments which may impact the water market and our customers. The UK Government Department for Business and Trade has recently issued a consultation which considers how to strengthen the economic regulation of energy, water and telecoms. Doing so could result in better protection for customers, more competition within each market as well as increased growth and investment.

What does the consultation aim to achieve?

For markets to support the foundations of the economy, they need to allow enough capital investment and the protection of customers in a fair manner, but this can be a difficult thing to achieve. It means market regulators need to have the right framework in place, and it was identified in the Economic Regulation Policy Paper published in January 2022, that the existing frameworks for Ofgem, Ofwat and Ofcom could be improved. These sectors are vital services and incredibly important to the UK Economy. The Government is committed to the UK becoming the best regulated economy in the world and to help achieve this, The ‘Smarter Regulation: Strengthening the economic regulation of the energy, water and telecoms sectors’ consultation has been issued to seek feedback on five key areas.

The consultation areas

The climate that Ofgem, Ofwat and Ofcom operate in has become more complex since they were created. For example, climate change has meant that further investment in infrastructure improvements is needed and legal duties have increased demand on regulators, causing a lack of clarity for investors. The consultation focuses on a series of proposals that aim to:

  1. Increase growth – by supporting investment with a full and transparent assessment of what’s needed across the three sectors and how regulators can take projects outside of the price review, in addition to reducing their complexity.
  2. Protect customers – with the implementation of a Priority Services Register to allow data-sharing between service providers.
  3. Market competition – To find ways of introducing and maintaining competition in respective sectors:
    • a. Ofwat: supporting strategic investment through licensing and contracting models; increasing support to new entrants; changes to the Wholesale Retail Code; greater use of comparative metrics.
    • b. Ofcom: to review existing monitoring practices.
    • c. Ofgem: greater use of comparative metrics.
  4. Regulator duties – To ensure duties remain fit for purpose.
  5. Appeals – To make sure appeal regimes continue to hold regulators to account and to make it easier for consumer interest to be considered for the three sectors.

Our approach

We’re reviewing this consultation and planning to respond by sharing our experience and thoughts on where improvements can be made. The consultation is open to all interested parties until 17th January 2024.

Not a drop to waste

Our data collection devices are great for understanding how you’re using water, spotting leaks and getting more accurate bills. Look out for our sale starting January 2024.

Find out more

Council keeps an eye on consumption with LimpetReaders

See how we've supported Sunderland City Council install LimpetReaders, helping them understand their consumption and spot issues quickly.

Read case study