Switch water supplier

Switching water supplier can be of significant operational benefit to businesses, however the main benefit is that of cost savings.

Benefits of changing water supplier

As we operate in a deregulated market since April 2017, businesses now have the freedom to choose from a number of approved water suppliers - multiple providers creates a more competitive market, encouraging better deals amongst suppliers.

By comparing different suppliers, businesses can secure cheaper water rates or additional services to reduce their water expenses. Wave offer their customers tailored advice to help them use less water and lower the cost of their bills. Therefore, when you switch water supplier to Wave, it allows you as the customers to take control of your water usage and benefit through your lowered monthly costs..

Switch water supplier

Financial savings are not the only benefit to switching water suppliers - it can also result in enhanced quality of service and customer support. Businesses can choose suppliers that offer superior customer service, quicker response times (particularly if your water supply is critical to your business operations), and additional services to support water efficiency like leak detection.

Some suppliers will provide advanced data analytics and monitoring tools, enabling businesses to better manage their water usage and identify opportunities for conservation. These tools not only help in reducing consumption, but also support sustainability goals by promoting more efficient use of water resources.

If you're considering switching water supplier, Wave is committed to delivering competitive and fair pricing to all our customers.

Woman wearing headset

Get a quote

If you haven’t requested a quote from Wave yet, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly and knowledgeable team using the form.

Can I switch water supplier?

Provided you are not in a fixed contract, you are entitled to switch water supplier. As mentioned, there are many different suppliers offering different packages – this is not a “one size fits all”, so shopping around is recommended.

Ask for a quotation from your prospective suppliers and make sure you compare them carefully – not all quotations are like for like and it’s important to read the small print.

Why should I choose Wave when I switch water supplier?

At Wave, we know that as a customer, you want to find the best water retailer for your needs. Wave can help you cut costs, provide you with useful advice, support you in lowering your water usage, and offer value-added services that produce results, protecting your bottom line.

Our great customer service

Our customer service team are rated excellent on Trustpilot and our team of experts in water and wastewater are on hand to provide advice and guidance tailored to your business.

Use our online account management

If you switch to us, you’ll have all the benefits of My Account, an online portal designed with the customer in mind that keeps everything in one place. You can set up payment plans, submit reads and check your bills online.

Water Efficiency Services

Our Active Water Management team offer innovative solutions for businesses that want to understand and reduce their water consumption. We offer a range of services including Leakage Find and Fix, water strategy development and data analysis as well as many others. Using water efficiently can be key to saving money, as well as water and the planet, which is why we’re a great choice for businesses.

Business people looking at data