How submitting regular reads after a leak will keep your bills accurate

One of the most significant causes of unexpected high consumption is leakage. If your business has recently identified a leak, either independently or using our Leakage Find and Fix service, it’ll be a relief to know your water usage is back on track and you’re not wasting additional water and money.

However, if your business water consumption has been higher than average due to a leak, particularly if it’s gone undetected for a long period of time, this could affect your upcoming bills if you don’t send us a read after the leak has been fixed.

What’s next after a leak?

The amount you’re charged for your water depends on the information we have about your usage, which is why regular reads are so important. If you’ve had a leak that’s been wasting significant amounts of water,   you could receive a much higher water bill even after it’s been fixed because the high consumption will affect our estimates. When you take and submit regular reads to us, you’re letting us know your water use has returned to normal and this will be reflected on your bill.

Although your water bills are based on estimated use, sending us meter readings will make sure these estimates are as accurate as they can be, so you’re not at risk of spending too much for your water.

You can submit your reads online or via My Account.

The benefits of regular reads

In addition to keeping your bills accurate, submitting regular reads as part of your monthly routine will also:

  • Help you spot and act on any future leaks faster
  • Help you track and understand your business water consumption
  • Help you spot any trends in consumption so you can make changes if needed
  • Provide us with more data about your consumption so we can send you an email alert sooner if it increases again
  • Help you identify if you have a broken or unresponsive meter that’ll need to be replaced.

If you’re not sure how to read your water meter correctly, or how to submit a read to us, we’ve covered this in our guide and our short how-to video.
