High Consumption Alert saves family run business £3,396 per year

Our customer, a leading UK supplier of spare parts for the pressure cleaning trade, is based in Lincolnshire and has been with us since market opening.

Acting on HCAs early reduces water wastage

In October 2023, soon after we launched High Consumption Alerts (HCAs) to our small and medium sized customers, the customer received an email alert letting them know their average daily consumption had risen significantly, and this could indicate an issue such as a leak that needed investigating.

Tackling constant flow

The customer reached out to us for support after receiving the HCA and we carried out our leakage detection service to help them quickly investigate and find the exact location of their suspected leak. Our leak detection specialist attended and surveyed the site and, after completing a leak and flow test, discovered an external underground leak.

The survey results indicated the leak was close to the meter on the private supply, so we proposed further works on site with an excavation team to try and locate the leak.

We carried out excavation and repair in November 2023 with minimal disruption to the premises and the water supply. After revealing the cause of the issue, which was a failed fitting on the supply pipe in an old chamber, the team fixed the leak and restored the water supply to all the properties before backfilling the excavation. Final testing showed the meter was no longer recording constant flow, indicating that the problem had been resolved.

Saving water and money

As a result of finding and fixing the leak, the customer’s average daily consumption was quickly reduced from 4.80m3 to 0.14m3, saving them £3,396 per year. We also pursued a leakage allowance claim for them with their wholesaler and since then, an allowance of 668 cubic metres was granted against sewerage.

Lauren Trainor, Business Development Manager for Wave, said: “It's great to see that the customer addressed the issue so quickly. Some jobs can come with challenges like the pipework being made of plastic which makes it harder to trace the leak, but our leak detection specialist did everything he could to narrow it down. It’s great that the leak was found and fixed so efficiently, and the customer saved a lot of money by being so proactive.”

If you think your business might have a leak, you can find more information about our leakage services on our webpage.

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