Building contractors improves bill accuracy with data collection

Our customer is a trusted building contractors who specialise in home renovation, construction, building projects and commercial building maintenance. They’ve been a Wave customer since 2022.

They wanted to monitor their water usage 24 hours a day and identify areas for potential savings, such as minimising wastage and addressing leaks, quickly.

Regular and robust data collection

The customer chose an Automatic Meter Reader (AMR), one of our data collection services, which we installed at their premises. Their goal was to gain a better understanding of where they use water by monitoring their site’s water usage. The other benefit of AMRs is that they offer regular, automated meter reads and alert the customer if their water consumption increases unexpectedly. This also means their bills are based on true reads and are as accurate as possible.

Seeing the benefits quickly

Once the AMR was installed, the customer soon discovered that an ice-making unit was drawing off the main water meter and using excessive amounts of water that was affecting their charges.

Once the issue was highlighted through the AMR and quickly addressed, the customer saw an opportunity to further reduce potential water wastage. They requested a quote for a LimpetReader, another data collection device designed for monitoring lower water volumes, and will continue to keep an eye on their consumption at the unit.

The customer was so satisfied with the installation and the benefits they’re already seeing that they recommended us to another customer for the purchase of an AMR.

Lauren Trainor, Business Development Manager for Wave, said: “The customer contacted us to enquire about our data collection devices, and which one they would benefit from. Based on their specific needs and how much water the site uses we both came to the same conclusion that the AMR was the best device for them. I’m delighted that as soon as they were able to see their consumption 24/7 in Watercore they were able to make some key changes to reduce their water bills.”

For more information about our data collection services, see our website.

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