FAQ: What is an RF billing adjustment?

RF stands for Run Final, so when you see this on a bill it means we’ve made an adjustment to your account based upon the charges from your wholesaler and our ability to only bill up to a certain period of time due to the rules of the market.

The market is operated by MOSL (Market Operator Services Limited).

If there's a change in market data that affects your charges for a period longer than 16 months, the Wholesaler may need to recover charges for up to an additional 8 months. This means that Wave might need to bill you for this extra period, extending it from 16 months to up to 24 months in some cases. These adjustments can happen for reasons like correcting a stopped meter, updating occupancy details, or changing how you're being charged. The goal is to make sure your charges accurately reflect your actual water use and account setup during that time. This time period is aligned to the time we can backbill in England. There is no such agreement in Scotland.

If on your bill you see RF adjustment it’s an amount which has been removed from your bill but we have billed you up to date.
