Helping our customers, supporting our communities and looking after the environment is all part of what we do

We’re all in this together. So, if we can support each other, we all reap the benefits. That’s why, as well as focussing our efforts on helping our customers’ save water and delighting them with award-winning customer experiences, we’ve challenged ourselves on having a positive impact on local communities and achieving our Net Zero goal by 2030.

Putting customers first

Starting with our customers, we invested in technology to make efficiencies that can help them save time, money and reduce their water usage, which positively impacts the environment. The success we’ve seen during 2023/24 is exceeding our expectations.

Our efficiency-focused service updates included:

  • Quicker bill downloads
  • Quick glance of financial health of accounts using coloured indicators
  • Quick actions tab underneath each account
  • Upgraded search function
  • ‘How-to’ videos created to help customers self-serve
  • Expanded our High Consumption Alert to SMEs which alert customers if their water consumption increases around 20% compared to their average reads. So, they’re now available for all customers free of charge

As part of our mission to improve our customer service we’ve reduced wait times for calls and email responses and added new ways to get in touch – direct messaging on LinkedIn. This commitment to service is recognised through our Trustpilot reviews – 4.7, rated as Excellent, and winning Water Retailer of the Year again!

Environmental and social value. It’s invaluable

We continue to build on our social and sustainability promise. As a leading water retailer supporting our customers to become more water-efficient formed part of the Ministry of Justice’s criteria for the award of the £28m contract. It also played a significant part in the new framework agreement with YPO, a publicly owned central purchasing body.

As part our social value commitments we’ve also published a number of reports, plans and supported local organisations through a range of initiatives such as:

So far, we’ve helped our customers save 968 million litres of water and decreased carbon emissions by 665,280 kg of CO2e.

A sustainable future to look forward to

As a team we’re creating new partnerships, expanding our volunteering initiatives and driving our key strategies for achieving our water and carbon reduction targets.

We’ll press ahead through innovation and competition to enhance the water market for our customers by leveraging our successful bids from the Market Improvement Fund. One example is with Infersens on Legionella Risk Management and the other is with Waterwise on incentivising water saving.

We’re also committed to enhancing and renewing our EcoVadis bronze award while our Make a Pledge campaign is currently running to encourage water conservation among our customers.
