Meet our new Director of Operations, Pamela

Wave is made up of over 300 people working flexibly across the UK and we’re delighted to have recently welcomed our new Director of Operations, Pamela Nast, to the Wave family. Pamela is heading up our newly formed Operations department, overseeing metering, billing and revenue assurance, so we sat down with her and asked her all about her new role.

Q: Welcome to Wave, Pamela, it’s great to have you on the team! Tell us about your responsibilities as Director of Operations.

A: Thanks, it’s great to have started! It’s so exciting to have a new department that will be working together using all their skills and years of experience. I hope to build on the hard work carried out so far to create a step change in how we deliver for our customers, developing ourselves and our approach to tackle business problems and challenges.

Q: Have you worked in utilities before?

A: I’ve worked for lots of blue-chip companies within regulated environments including household names like Evian, Talk Talk, Barclays and Shell Energy. These different industries have given me the opportunity to increase my knowledge and bring the best of those worlds and experiences to the water industry.

Q: What is it about Wave that made you want to join us?

A: Wave has such a strong reputation and culture that I couldn’t resist the temptation of working here with the new directorate. From what I’ve seen so far, I know we’re going to excel and it’s going to be a great journey for us all!

Q: What have you learned from your first few months with Wave?

A: I joined in March, and I’ve visited both of Wave’s offices in Peterborough and in Durham. Everyone is so warm and welcoming and working very hard to do the right thing. There are opportunities for us to become even stronger and more effective at what we do, and people are open to the operations revolution!

Q: We’d love to know more about your life outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?

A: I live with my husband, daughter, two dogs and cat. In my spare time I love to read, travel, go to concerts and watch films. I wish I could pick a favourite book, but I’ve read so many there isn’t just one! I’m also mentor with a company called Future Leaders which is rewarding.

Q: Is there any advice you’d give to someone looking to join the water industry?

A: It feels like water is the unsung hero, and yet it’s such a critical and vital asset to have. The new, increased interest in how water is used, how we can save water and how in turn that affects the planet is such a significant and important industry to be part of.

We’re always looking for new talent to join our team. If you’re wondering what you can expect working at Wave, what positions we’re currently recruiting for and what great benefits we offer, take a look at our careers page.
