FAQ: Can my Wholesaler take action if I don’t address continuous flow?

If you receive a continuous flow alert from your water Wholesaler or Retailer and your business can’t explain the consumption, your Wholesaler has the right to take action to address it. They’re responsible for our water supply and that means making sure there’s enough for everyone to use, including the general public. If they find that a customer is wasting water, either intentionally or unintentionally, it’s their duty to investigate and take action.

Under Section 75 of the Water Industry Act, 1991, Wholesalers have the power to compel customers to address leaks and escapes of water where they believe it is;  

“being or is likely to be wasted or, having regard to the purposes for which it is supplied, misused or unduly consumed”.  

If, after being notified, you still don’t address the continuous flow, you could be charged for the cost of any repairs if your Wholesaler addresses the issue themselves. It’s best to be proactive in your water efficiency and address any continuous flow as soon as you can. It’ll benefit your business too, by saving water and in turn reducing your bills.
