FAQ: What should I do if I get a continuous flow alert?

If your Wholesaler or Retailer has informed you of continuous flow, it means your business is using water all day, every day. Some businesses have processes that require the constant use of water, but if it’s out of the ordinary for your meter to be recording continuous flow we’d recommend investigating it straight away.

The most common cause for a continuous flow alert is likely to be a leak on your business premises, either on your external supply pipe or internally, which could be a leaky loo, faulty or uncontrolled urinals or taps that have been left on or are leaking. The first step we recommend is a Leak and Flow test. This will help you to investigate the high consumption and narrow down the location, making finding and fixing the issue a simpler and more efficient process.

Once you’ve identified a possible leak, we can help. As part of our water efficiency services we offer leakage detection and repair depending on what your business needs, so speak to us if you think you’ll benefit from our dedicated team of experts.
