A successful water saving campaign

On Friday 22nd March 2024, World Water Day, we launched our Make a Pledge campaign encouraging customers to sign up to one of our five achievable pledges. On supporting the campaign, they were entered into a prize draw to win an Automatic Meter Reader (AMR), a device that monitors water usage by reading a water meter every 15 minutes.

Customers had until 30th June 2024 to pledge one of the following:

  • Save water – pledge to check water fittings such as taps and showers to see if they could be more efficient.
  • Check for leaks – pledge to check premises for leaks by doing a leak and flow test.
  • Stop polluting – pledge not to put food waste, oils, medicines or chemicals down the toilet or drains.
  • Protect nature – pledge to take part in one of Wave’s social value days which involve clean ups, tree planting and protecting local habitats.
  • Look at the data – pledge to take regular meter readings to help notice any unusual spikes in consumption that could be a leak.

And the winner is…

It was great to see engagement from customers of different sizes and industries whose commitments were spread across the five choices. The winner was picked at random from entries, by our Head of Water Efficiency Services, Oli Shelley, and we’re delighted that Barnsley Premier Leisure were awarded an AMR for committing to all five pledges.

Michael Daley, SHEQ Manager at Barnsley Premier Leisure said: “Sustainability is high on the agenda for us and water is one of the key areas we’re focussing on. Making these pledges supports our commitment as they’re simple, achievable and make a difference. As an organisation that already has some AMRs installed, I was delighted to win another device, as I already know how beneficial they are for monitoring water usage.”

Oli Shelley, Head of Water Efficiency Services at Wave said: “We love running campaigns like this because small pledges really can make a big difference, especially if they become a habit. It’s great to hear Barnsley Leisure already see the value of tracking their water consumption, finding efficiencies and looking out for leaks, I’m sure they’ll put their new AMR to good use!”

A successful campaign

Since World Water Day, over 12,100 people have seen our messages on how to save water, advice and guidance on checking for leaks and the importance of doing our bit to protect the environment, helping raise awareness that when it comes to water, there’s not a drop to waste.
