Wave supports Marden High School's Climate Action Fortnight

As part of our Social and Sustainability promise, we work with children and young people in local schools and colleges to influence them to see water for the precious resource that it is.

Our Director of HR, Jane Austin, and Support Services Manager, Matt Hobbs, recently attended Marden High School, where they opened their climate action fortnight during a year seven assembly.

The year seven students were given activities to complete during the fortnight including a challenge sheet which involved a variety of sustainability challenges for the children and their families to complete at home. Challenges included turning off the tap while brushing their teeth, using a reusable water bottle, and reducing showers by two minutes. Students were also given a poster challenge, where they were asked to design a sustainable school using sustainable materials and processes.

To help get the children engaged and thinking, our Head of Operations, Oli Shelley, delivered an interactive presentation on the imminent threats of increased water demand and the shortages we might face in the near future.

On completing the poster challenge, students then presented their ideas back to Wave and points were awarded for the winning designs.

Fiona Brennan, Careers Lead at Marden High School said: "Wave were involved in the planning of our first climate fortnight, in which both the geography and science lessons for year 7 were turned over to discuss all things related to the climate. Wave contributed ideas on what to include and developed a challenge sheet for our students and their families, with measurable water and carbon saving activities. Wave launched the event with an assembly for year 7 (160+ students), teaching them about water scarcity, and then the students presented their poster campaigns of a sustainable school to Wave in the closing afternoon of the fortnight. This partnership working between Marden High School and Wave makes a real impact on our students.”

Matt Hobbs, Support Services Manager at Wave said: “It was fascinating to see how the students had applied so many different aspects of sustainable living to create their sustainable schools. This wouldn’t have been successful without the teachers and senior leadership team at Marden High School, and I look forward to supporting them with future climate action fortnights.”
